So I was driving home from work today and Mrs. Robinson came on the radio. I was inspired by it all of a sudden and began writing this song for us! I tried to get everyone in the song, but to no avail, sadly. I got as many of us in as possible, but know that no one was left out intentionally! For some, it was all about syllables, others, I just ran out of verses in the song, but you are all in the song in spirit as this is about the OPLBFC as a whole!!! :) Hopefully, most of you know this song by Simon and Garfunkel. Those of you who are younger and who may still be living with your parents, ask them if they have this song, they just might! Here's to us!!!
Amended with everyone!!! The last verse is the tune of verse 3, just so you know. :)
And here's to you, OPLBFC
We all love you more than you could know
Wo wo wo
We are the best OPLBFC
Blogging's what we all have come to do
Woo woo woo
Woo woo woo
We'd like to know a little bit about you first you know
We'd like to know that you can get along
Luuke has sent the invites now we're gathered all around,
Scroll around the blogs until you feel at home
And here's to you OPLBFC
We all love you more than you could know
Wo wo wo
We are the best OPLBFC
Blogging's what we all have come to do
Woo woo woo
Woo woo woo
Ami has the heart while Stooge is telling all the jokes
Vicomte's biting wit and Rive's cool humor
Aurin's writing, Hansgirl's songs and Mina's poetry
Bravo's stories have us rolling on the floor.
And here's to you OPLBFC
We all love you more than you could know
Wo wo wo
We are the best OPLBFC
Blogging's what we all have come to do
Woo woo woo
Woo woo woo
Thinking about Star Wars on a Sunday afternoon
Put it in a blog for us to read
Talk about it, comment on it
Cut it all to shreds
This is what we've all come here to do!
We've read K-fan's fanfic; it was great!
Darthlando, Yoshi, Leia read it, too.
Woo woo woo
Marvolo, Al, Arwen, Soph-ia,Fang and all the rest won't go away
Hey, hey, hey
And here's to you OPLBFC
We all love you more than you could know
Wo wo wo
We are the best OPLBFC
Blogging's what we all have come to do
Woo woo woo
Woo woo woo
EDB loves politics while Shaggy Fett loves peace
Oboe's music's what we'd love to hear
Rex0, E&HF5, Air Yoda, Sol, Michelle
DG7, WarthogJedi all are here
And here's to you OPLBFC
We all love you more than you could know
Wo wo wo
We are the best OPLBFC
Blogging's what we all have come to do
Woo woo woo
Woo woo woo!!!!
posted by Hansgirl3 at 11:31 PM
29 Comment:
6/02/2006 12:52 AM
Jedi Master Mina said...
Let me try this one more time...Great classic song...Fits great for the ORIGINAL generation around here.
6/02/2006 12:53 AM
DragonFang said...
That's really good!Fang and all the rest won't go awaySorry! ;)Woo woo wooWoo woo wooMy favourite part... :D
6/02/2006 5:14 AM
Bravo 225 said...
I think that "Mrs. Robinson" is a great tune for the OPLBFC! Good song! Me likey!
6/02/2006 7:39 AM
Jedi Arwen Skywalker said...
Nice, I like it, espicially 'cuz I made it in!
6/02/2006 8:00 AM
luuke.skywalker said...
We* are humbled by your talent. *By we, I mean J and me. I can't speak for everyone else.
6/02/2006 8:29 AM
Hansgirl3 said...
Thanks, guys!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)
Senator Soph-ia said...
Love the song -- glad I'll have it stuck in my head all day! Happy Friday!
6/02/2006 8:44 AM
Darth Rex0 said...
I love it even thought I'm not mentioned. That tells you how good it is!
6/02/2006 8:56 AM
Hansgirl3 said...
>>I love it even thought I'm not mentioned. That tells you how good it is! Thanks, Rex0! I'm sorry! I tried soooo hard to fit everyone's name in! If the song just had one more verse...
6/02/2006 9:13 AM
amidalooine said...
I'll have 'Mrs. Robinson' in my head all day now! Cool song.
6/02/2006 9:28 AM
EvilDarthBear said...
6/02/2006 9:32 AM
Aurin_Starkiller said...
Cool...We have a theme song? Yippee!Interesting, I'll have to listen to "Mrs. Robinson" again so I can remember the tune.God Bless,May the Force save us from the insanity...
6/02/2006 10:39 AM
Hansgirl3 said...
>>If the song just had one more verse... Ok, so now the song has one more verse!>>WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!Now, none of that, EDB! You're in the song! See? ;)
6/02/2006 10:44 AM
alshf123 said...
Very cool. Great job!
6/02/2006 12:38 PM
Vicomte said...
Bravo, you do know that that song has sexual connotations, right?Hello K-fan my old friend,I've come to talk with you again...
6/02/2006 1:46 PM
Hansgirl3 said...
>>Bravo, you do know that that song has sexual connotations, right?Ohhhh, you mean the original?You had me for a second there! Whew! :)Yes, I know the original had sexual connotations, but not this one!!! Holy cow, Vicomte!!! Don't do that!! :p ;)
6/02/2006 2:08 PM
Vicomte said...
Apologies, hansgirl, that was in reference to Bravo's "Sex is icky' comment on my Firefly blog. ;)
6/02/2006 2:26 PM
Hansgirl3 said...
>>Apologies, hansgirl, that was in reference to Bravo's "Sex is icky' comment on my Firefly blog. ;) Oh! LOL!!! No prob!!
6/02/2006 2:41 PM
leialookalike1 said...
Sure wish I knew this song. Anyone got a copy?
6/02/2006 3:10 PM
ewanandhaydenfan5 said...
We are humbled by your talent. I certainly am! :) Great lyrics!
6/02/2006 5:44 PM
shaggy fett said...
yee haw. i might have to make your words untrue and blow a few things up.i gotta give you props though, this song is majorly creative. two thumbs up.
6/02/2006 8:14 PM
Hansgirl3 said...
Thanks, Shaggy! I actually made an assuption on your part based on your screen name, whether it's true or not remains to be seen... ;)Thanks, everyone else also!Leia, it's a classic song available anywhere, really. You should be able to download it, too, I would imagine. :)
6/02/2006 8:20 PM
ewanandhaydenfan5 said...
Hansgirl, it's funny that you posted this today. On the way home from work, I heard "American Pie" on the radio. It's kind of an everyone-join-in-and-sing song, and it got me thinking of our little group here. Who knows, perhaps another OPLBFC song in the making.
6/02/2006 11:12 PM
Hansgirl3 said...
>>Who knows, perhaps another OPLBFC song in the making. Perhaps a parody song challenge? Eh?
6/03/2006 12:26 PM
The Stooge said...
Loved it! (And not just 'cause I love seein' my name in lights!)
6/04/2006 12:51 AM
Hansgirl3 said...
>>Loved it! (And not just 'cause I love seein' my name in lights!) But it helps! :)Glad you approve!! Thank you! :)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The OPLBFC Theme Song?
Posted by
10:07 PM
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